Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today's word of wait is: mobility.

It takes keen senses and cat-like reflexes to survive in this world anymore. Everything changes so rapidly. Commercial to commercial: 30 seconds. Download music: less than 3 minutes. Drive-thru orders: under 1 minute. The list goes on and on. Society nowadays doesn't slow down for you, it expects you to speed up.

Therefore, mobility is key. And not necessarily mobility to move or advance yourself in the quickest way possible, but rather the smartest. Mobility, though meant for fast transitions, involves the act of waiting and a great deal of patience. You have to wait for the signals for the right time to move. Ever heard that saying that it's all about the right time at the right place? Well, I'm finding it to be more true as each day passes.

That's not to say that there shouldn't be any weight added to having a sharp intellect and valuable education (whether formal or informal), it's meant to say that I believe it is a combination of these things that truly make mobility an easier tool to utilize. You obviously have to know which routes to use wisely in order to get where you need to be. As Dr. Rich Barnet once said, "Any map will get you there if you don't know where you're going."

So you're still worried about competing with other individuals or business and thinking others might get to the same destination before you. One: You're assuming. Don't do that. It takes a lot of time out of focusing positive efforts on reaching your goal. Two: If you utilize all your assets (knowledge, contacts, etc.) your efforts will mobilize you more rapidly. 

Setting up TAP Music Group and it's structure was a tedious task for myself and James, and it's ever ongoing. In my opinion, no one should ever stop learning in this world - that's truly what slows you down.

In the case of how God interprets mobility, God uses you to move in ways that prosper His kingdom. I know some critics might think, "Hmm. That's kind of selfish. And 'Christians' are supposed to be generous...what gives?" God gives all of us talents to mobilize His kingdom, true. But it is a mutually-beneficial relationship. The blessings that fall on you because of choosing God as your guide can reap rewards you've never seen. 

In the end, it's all about paths. Which path you choose creates ample opportunities or obstacles for true prosperity. Mobilizing your ideas, goals, relationships, and other aspects of your professional or personal life may not be as haste as you would like, but if done correctly, the rewards will be greater.

Think of it this way, what mobilizes you? What advantage do you have that can be counted as your goodwill? Take this and use it in a passionate way that generates positive outcomes - like I spoke of yesterday. Good luck.

Current Music: Farewell Fighter's Self-Titled EP; Track: "Anthem West"

P.S. I'm currently attending evangelical classes that are a part of "The Truth Project" put together by Dr. Del Tackett. A lot of the thought process and theory that I learn from those classes will be practiced here. It's mind-blowing stuff.


bmdickey said...

Love the post. Where do you get your pics?

Clay Gill said...

Google Image search :)