Monday, February 16, 2009


Well folks. I know I haven't been updating as much as I'd like to. But there seems to be more important things for me to do. 

The last year. No kidding.

I've been feeling the crunch, much like most Americans. Words of worry haven't been grazing my tongue too badly, however. God is really giving me opportunities to make the best of my time, and by helping me to establish my own company. 

It's funny how hungry I am for experience. And yet, when presented with the opportunity to gain experience beyond comparable worth, and to my own accord and accomplishment criteria, I am scared. I know I shouldn't be, but I am. It's kind of frightening deciding to do something full-time that isn't making any cents (literally).

But I have decided to. TAP Music Group is now my full-time job. Yes, it's true.

My Monster job count, since I first signed up, within the past week.

I have applied for job after job after job. God does not want me here nor there. He wants me with TAP. It's true, otherwise I would have been snagged by some random company to be their slave for the next ________ year(s). I need income, true. But I also need to live out what is being presented to me.

My Sent Resumes folder for my email. Notice how many messages there are total (upper right hand corner of picture).

So TAP is on. Well, it already was. But now it's game-time. Full-time.

P.S. Sorry that no insight was offered for this post...just wanted to give an update. Thanks.

Current Music: Shai Hulud's "Misanthropy Pure"; Track: "Venomspreader"

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