Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Happy Saint Patrick's Day and happy birthday Mom!

I hope everyone is having a great day so far. And I hope today's word of wait doesn't cause discouragement or shame, but rather invokes change in your life.

So...today's word of wait is: apathy.

Think of this world and most people that you know that live in it, and live as a part of it. They are apathetic. They are bored. They fill their lives with things and substances they think will make them happy, only to finish their dose and begin to search for a new one.

I'm not saying there's not room for expansion, progression, or growth within any realm of any one person's life. I'm simply stating that as a person living in a college town, no longer affiliated with the college, I see a general lack of excitement in a lot of the lives of my generation. And being a part of the music industry (on amateur terms), I see a lot of apathy in the industry at all age and experience levels. People don't want to DO anything anymore. They don't want to go to a GREAT show if it's on a Sunday night. They don't want to save any part of the industry that's failing. They don't want to save themselves from failing. 

Why? Because society and the world has told us that the only true excitement comes when we fill ourselves with padding that is hollow at best. Love, affection, nurturing, and true joy - in my belief - comes from the nurturing of others. Make someone else smile. Put down and walk away from something that's hurting a friend. Love someone, not lust after someone.

People want the circumstances to weigh in their favor, but expect them to do so by happenings, by mere chance, and by simply waiting for those favors to fall in their laps. They expect people to know what to do; truly, what the people of this world need is a mentor. Everyone should have a figure that they look to for advice, counsel, or a model to live their life by - and to the positive extent.

Mine, if you read this blog enough you should know, is Jesus Christ. He is able to give strength, empowerment, and confidence to those who choose to be like he because He has overcome this world! How can you be bored by the world if the things in it don't matter to you?! Hah! Sounds so simple, yet difficult, right? 

"Clay, I live in this world. I need money. I need food. I need friends. I have to survive, and I'd rather not do it alone." I'm not saying go live beneath a cactus in the middle of Arizona and expect God to completely furnish your life with people who love you and plenty of food, water, and shelter (although, The Big Guy could). What I'm saying is set your sights higher. Think of the things, people, and bad circumstances of this world as filth that is lying in the gutter of today's society. Would you rather look down at garbage, or look towards a sky that is so unimaginably blue it's awe-inspiring?

I know my answer! And I'm exciting to have my eyes upward without my nose being so high that I'm afraid to look down to help someone up that has stumbled and fell. 

"Do you need a hand?" I ask. 

Give yourself substance. Put away mindless things and educate yourself, even if it's not of faith concern or nature. Teach someone how to live. Teach someone how to love and stop this madness of hate and snobbery spreading across generations. Invite others where ever you may go, and do it with a genuine heart. 

"I don't have time." 5 minutes is all it takes to brighten someone's day. A phone call, a short walk, a compliment, etc. Share the word of God with them - encourage them through His love, and not by damnation! 

*Ahem* I swear I haven't had any coffee today. 

Current Music: A Plea For Purging's "Depravity"; Track: "Misanthropy"

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